Arkansas Whistleblower Protections

Arkansas whistleblower protection laws

Arkansas Whistleblower Protection Laws

Arkansas whistleblower protections state that employer may not discriminate against public employee who communicates in good faith to the proper authorities:

  • The waste of public funds, property, or manpower (including federal).
  • A violation or suspected violation of a law, rule, or regulation adopted under the law of this state or a political subdivision of the state.

Public Employees

It is illegal to retaliate against both public and private employees who in good faith participate in investigations or testify against their employer.

The communication shall be made at a time and in a manner which gives the public employer reasonable notice of need to correct the waste or violation.

Arkansas Whistleblower Act (public)

Arkansas Whistleblower Protection - Reporting fraud, crime, tax evasion protections.
Any combination of injunctive relief; reinstatement of employee’s position and status; reinstatement of full benefits and retirement credit; compensation for lost wages, benefits, etc.; and payment of reasonable court costs and attorney’s fees.

Retaliation (public and private)

Can file civil action within 1 year of violation to enjoin further violations, recover compensatory and punitive damages and court and attorney’s fees (in the discretion of the court).

Search for Arkansas Whistleblower Attorneys

Helmer Friedman LLP helping you navigate through the state and federal whistleblower programs that may reward you for reporting fraud.